
Becoming a Chunky Monkey

I went to the doc today for my 23 week checkup and everything was great. I am very thankful that Cady is measuring where she is suppose to be, her heartbeat is strong, I am healthy, etc. God is good! I wasnt too happy about going to the doc today because I thought he would say I have gained too much weight (no, I will not disclose to you how much I've gained...only Lauren gets that privilege). :) But, to my surprise he did not comment on it. I, however, brought it up. I really am not pigging out/eating like people think most pregnant women eat. I am eating salads and drinking water (with of course the occasional sweet) but yet this weight is just piling on and on-making me into a chunky monkey. I asked the doc what he thought and he completely made my day. Before I tell you his response let me tell you that there are about 8 different doctors at my OB. I have my regular doctor whom I ADORE, I have one doctor that I already know I don't like because I used to see her, and the rest I have never seen before. So, I get pretty anxious before each visit because I really want to like the doctor that delivers my child. I am happy to say that every single doctor I have seen I have absolutely LOVED (despite the one I know I do not like and I can deal with that). So, I get nervous thinking that these doctors I have never seen will think I'm a huge pregnant failure who is turning into a cow! Anyways, back to my story of gaining weight...when I expressed my concern he looked at me and said, "Abby-if you came in here and had gained 40 pounds already I would be concerned and I would sit you down and politely tell you something was wrong. But, you are doing great! Do not listen to people/websites/books that tell you that you should have only gained about ____pounds by now. So what if you've gained more than that-does that mean you'll be an unfit mother? Of course not! So do not worry about it at all!" WOW-I love this doctor. :) Now, that doesn't mean I ran out the door and went to McDonald's to get me an M&M mcflurry (which I love by the way). It just really made me feel so much better that: I am doing the BEST I can, the best I know how and that a qualifed doctor told me I was doing great. Weight gain (that I can't help) is not going to affect the type of mother I will be and my little girl will love me even if I am a house when she sees me for the first time. haha! So, I am gonna try to chill out and not freak out when I see the numbers on the scales creep up. I say this, but I know come my next doctor's visit I will be all stressed out again haha. Such is life, I suppose!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Yay! :) I do feel very privileged. And I am so happy that you have a wonderful doctor - that makes a HUGE difference!