
Life with two...thus far!

Life with two is wonderful!  I love my two girls SO much and I am loving my life more than I ever thought that I could.  Yes, some times are more challenging than others (when Emily can't get consoled and Cadence wants my attention.  When I am in the middle of feeding Emily and Cadence needs help wiping her poo poo. When Cadence wakes up before Emily-at 6:45 am-when normally she sleeps until 8ish.  When I can't get showered until Matt gets home, etc.).  BUT, the sweet times far outnumber the challenging times (when Emily is crying and I can't get to her and Cadence runs over to give her the pappies.  When I am overwhelmed and teary and Cadence runs over to me and gives me her yah-yah and tells me it will all be okay.  When I overhear Cadence tell Emily, "Emily, I am so glad you came out of mommy's tummy."  When I am picking up around the house and I find Cadence laying beside Emily and loving on her.  When I have both of my girls in my lap snuggling.  When I have one on one time with each child at different times of day.)  Life is good, let me tell you!!

Matt went back to work on Monday and to say that I was nervous is an understatement.  Thankfully, my sweet momma spent Sunday night with us (and got up with Emily in the night so I could have a full night's sleep).  Mom spent the day with me to help me get into some sort of routine.  She is always available which is a BLESSING that I am beyond thankful for.  I gotta say, though, that it hasn't been as hard as I thought.  I know some days will be more challenging than others, but overall things have been going pretty smoothly.  Emily eats around 10pm and has been sleeping til 3 or 4am and then going back to sleep til about 7am which is amazing.  Cadence, for some reason, has been waking up a lot earlier than she used to, but Matt puts her in the bed with me and we lay and watch cartoons for a little bit, then we all three head downstairs to start our day.  Granted, we have all stayed in our pajamas most of the day, but I'm not complaining.  :) 

I honestly can't imagine my life without Emily.  Now that she is here, she just fits into our family so perfectly.  She is so precious and easy going.  I love that time in the middle of the night just rocking her and feeding her, when all the world is sound asleep.  Something about it is so tender.  And Cadence-I can't brag on her enough!  A lot of people told me the novelty would wear off, and I honestly don't think that it will.  I am sure there will be days when Cadence needs more attention than others, and when Emily is old enough to grab Cady's toys, Cady might get a little annoyed.  But, Cady's heart is so tender and so compassionate and she genuinely LOVES her little sister.  She always wants to know where she is, what she's doing, and she always wants to help.  And a great help she truly is!!  I am thankful and I can't thank the sweet Lord enough for how He has blessed us so much and how He has helped us transition to a family of four.  I am honestly livin' the good life.  :)  

Cadence getting her morning loving from Emily

Cadence helping daddy give Emily a sponge bath

Sweet Baby Em

My little ham and her little sister

I asked Cadence to entertain Emily and keep her awake while I was in the kitchen.  She was such a big help!

Crazy CadyBug

                                                                       Sister lovin' before bedtime


Jeff, Sarah Ellen, and Beck said...

So precious.

Nicole said...

I don't think the novelty will wear off. We're 10 months into it and Marco still kisses and hugs and tries to pick Jonas up several times a day. He's always going up to him and grabbing his face saying "ohhhh brother". It's beautiful!
Your girls are beautiful... what a blessing. But come on, Abby, life can't all be puppies and rainbows... dish girl! You make my blog look like whiner central! LOL.

abby said...

thanks so much SE!! :)

nicole-glad the novelty hasnt worn off for your little one either :) and thanks so much for the sweet comment about my girls. they are sweet :) and no, life is not all puppies and rainbows, but for the most part it's beautiful! i just try to focus on positive and not think negatively :)