
Crazy Hormones

Oh golly are my hormones going crazy lately!! I'd say that for the most of my first trimester, it was filled with unpredicatable moods-I'd cry for no reason, get mad for no reason, etc. I absoutely hate being out of control of my emotions! Thankfully, this second trimester has been great (sure I cry occasionally, but I'd do that even if I wasn't pregnant). I hear that once you hit the third trimester your hormones start going crazy again. Well, I'm not in the third quite yet, but things are changing I believe. Or, maybe I just had a crazy night last night-who knows?! Let me give you a glimpse into our evening last night...

I had an overall good day. I've had a bad cold this whole week, but it hasn't caused me to be in a bad mood or anything, so I don't know where this "swing" came from last night. When I got in from work yesterday, my sweet husband was working on my new phone-adding songs, making sure it was all set up for me, etc. I decided to go crash on the couch for a few before I started supper. I ended up drifting off for about 30 minutes and it felt great! Well, my sweet husband came over to lay on the couch with me and cuddle. After he came over, here came Riley (our 60+ pound Beagle/Rottweiler mix). Then, Maggie (our little runt that we don't know what she is) decides to come on the couch too. She proceeds to jump on my stomach-which I HATE and I had a little fit about that. Overall, though, it was good cuddle time. As I was about to get up to cook our supper I noticed Riley had been chewing on himself (he had jumped off the couch onto the floor which was covered with our couch pillows)...his nasty slobber was all over our good couch pillows. That made me mad. Then, as I was getting up, Riley apparently got excited, jumped up and crushed my toe. That made me mad. So, I jumped off the couch threw (well, slammed) all the couch pillows onto the couch (where Matt still was) and screamed at the top of my lungs (it sounded demonic), "All of you are getting on my nerves!!!!!!!!!" I then stomped off into the kitchen to start supper. I managed to calm down and prepare supper (which went well). When I called Matt to come into eat he noticed that my mashed potatoes were a tad gooey. When I say, "tad gooey" I mean that when he tried to scoop them out they all just stuck to the spoon as if it was glue. Well, this made me mad and I then slammed the serving spoon into the mashed potato bowl and let out some kind of scream, noise, or cuss word-I really don't remember. I sat in my seat and then started to tear up as Matt tried to cheer me up. It didn't work though because everytime I saw Matt try to spoon nasty, glue-like potatoes onto his plate (bless his heart for eating them anyway) I would get all mad again. So what did I do? I burst into tears and ran into the bathroom, locked myself in there, and sat on the toilet and cried. After a few minutes, I composed myself and went back to join my husband for supper. What was Matt doing? Just sitting there, precious, eating his supper and nasty glue potatoes. Have I mentioned how much I love him? Seriously-he handles me better than ANYONE!! He didn't make me feel bad for yelling at our dogs, for screwing up the potatoes, or for being a complete MANIAC! He just smiled at me and said, "Do you want me to say the blessing?" haha. I thank God for blessing me with a patient husband. I owe him big. I really hate being so unpredictable...I hate it more for Matt. But, it does give us something to look back on and laugh at, right?! Matt-I do love you and thank you for loving me despite my crazy hormones! :)


carrie said...

Oh Abby! This blog cracked me up because girl I was right there with you. I locked myself in the bathroom crying on more than one occassion over the silliest (now that I look back) things!! I hate to tell ya but things only get more fun with those hormones - just wait until the baby gets here!! Love you and still praying for you and Matt and that sweet baby girl.

abby said...

haha so glad i made you laugh. i laugh just thinking back on it! i hear things only get crazier...how did you manage? :)

mc said...

abby, this just made me chuckle / choke on some ice water at work! I love you (: and you make me smile!